DGC Summer Newsletter – New Term Starts: Sept 4th 2017
Please note our current term has ended and we are now only running holiday activities Mon and Tues between 10am and 2.30pm. Please email for details
Kerry will also be sending out invoices for the September term in the next couple of weeks and payment will be due by Sept 3rd.
Anyone planning on not returning please inform us asap to ensure other children don’t miss out on the classes.
Please note during the new term both the Annual Dyson club membership (£5) and British Gymnastics membership (£17) will need renewing. The British gymnastics membership will need renewing directly with British gymnastics going forward and information on how to do this will be sent out nearer the time.
Please note we will be unable to teach children who have not got this processed with BG so please ensure by the end of September you have resolved this.
New Venue. - Glebe Villas Hall – Hove BN3 5SL
As you should have heard we have managed to secure the Glebe Villas Hall from Wednesday through to Sunday evening.
This will enable us to offer the following recreational spaces for anyone interested…
Wed, Thurs*, Fri 4pm (ages 4-8)
Wed, Thurs*, Fri 5pm (ages 8+)
Thurs, Fri 12.45pm, 1.45pm (pre school classes)
Sat & Sun 10am (ages 4-8)
Sat & Sun 10am (ages 8+)
*Please note we are unable to start teaching the Thursday afternoon classes until the new Oct term but we can start reserving the spaces now.
Is there a difference in the venues ?
Yes, Glebe villas will be able to have trampolines set up as it has the ceiling height, however it won’t have a full size asymmetric bar set up it will only have a training bar.
The other main bonus to Glebe Villas Hall is parking is easier as there is free road parking and it is a quieter area in general.
Finally we will be able to offer recreational classes at the weekend at Glebe Villas Hall.
Moving days/times/venues.
Anyone wishing to move spaces etc please let me or Kerry know asap to ensure the best chance of us fulfilling your requirements.
Summer Holiday activities:
You should have received an email letting you know what activities we are offering in the summer holidays from Kerry if you have not received this please check spam folders or email for details. We are offering badge sessions, 1:1 sessions and skills development sessions in Handstands, handsprings, Cartwheels, free cartwheels, bridges, Flics, forward rolls & Front Sommi’s. Please note we only have limited spaces and payment must be made via bacs within a couple of days of us confirming the space is available.
Anyone wishing to leave:
Please note we do not offer partial refunds for the term and require at least 1 weeks notice before the start of term in order to return deposits. Therefore please try and inform us as soon as possible if you intend to leave as not only will it get you your money back but we will be able to offer out the space to another child who is wanting to do gymnastics sooner.
Contact details:
Please remember if you have any change of phone number to inform us.
Future term dates: 2017/18 year
The blocks for the coming school year will be as follows:
4/9/17 – 22/10/17
Close for 1 week 23/10/17 - 29/10/17 (holiday classes will be available)
30/10/17 – 17/12/17
Close for 2 weeks and a day 18/12/17 – 1/1/18
2/1/18 – 18/2/18 (Monday groups will receive a 1 week reduction to fees as we are not open on the 1st)
19/2/18 – 8/4/18
Close for 1 week 9/4/18 – 15/8/17 (holiday classes will be available)
16/4/18 – 3/6/18
4/6/18 – 22/7/18
Payment deadlines.
Please be aware all term payments are due in full the day before the first day of term (as stated above). Anyone who is owing money after the first week back will be charged a £5 late fee. Any person who has not paid their fees (including any late fees) by the end of the 2nd week will be removed from the register and will forfeit their deposit to help cover the 2 weeks of non payment.
Please note we only accept payments in GBP £.
Finally : Enjoy your summer holidays in whatever you do and we hope to see everyone back at one of the venues in September. Sarah and I will be away shortly until mid August but in this time will be available and then when we return Kerry will be on holiday and we will be available for contacting as normal: