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Requisites to join / stay (not including taster class)
  • British Gymnastics Membership
You must be a paid up registered member to British Gymnastics and linked to our club. They provide your insurance and is mandatory for attendance. This will need renewing every year before October 1st.
If you are not insured we will not teach you or refund for the classes.
  • Dyson Gymnastics Membership
You must be a registered member of Dyson gymnastics club (this is separate to British Gymnastics membership) this is our own annual membership fee which renews every September and costs £10 and runs until Aug 31st. If you leave and return during this period you wont be expected to repay this for the year it covers.
  • Paid for classes
You must be paid up to date for each month you attend in advance, if no payment is received by the end of day on the 1st of the new month it will trigger our late penalty (see later) If payment is still not made by the 7th of the current month you could be removed and have your space offered out. You will forfeit your right to your deposit for this. 
  • Your child must behave in a respectful manner.
This includes but is not exclusive to not being rude/offensive to others. There will be no bullying or discrimination tolerated. They must also listen and follow their coaches instructions which may include not to go on certain equipment or to mistreat equipment/damage in anyway that is not usual wear and tear. A gymnastics club can be a dangerous place and uncontrollable children are a danger to themselves and others. Failure to adhere to this will result in you being asked to leave.
  • Adult attendance
You must conduct yourself in a responsible polite manner at all times on the premises, We allow parents to stay and watch but if
they cause any problem or concern we will inform you that you are not allowed on site. With children around we have to be very careful what atmosphere they are in and anyone acting (but not exclusive to) being loud, angry, rudely aggressively etc is not tolerated.
Monthly terms
  • Monthly term
We consider these a 4 week period of a month. If we cancel classes we will credit back for these if they are within the 4 weeks of the month. If however we cancel a class in a month where there are 5 days of classes we will not refund it as we also dont charge for it. 
When are we open
Jan 4th through to July 28th
Sept 4th through to Dec 14th
  • Bank holidays, half terms etc
We open all year round except for the summer period and end of year period excluded above, this includes the bank holidays and half terms during the opening times above. These are therefore invoiced.
Any changes to this will be emailed out.
Missed classes
Please note we do not refund or offer make up sessions for any missed classes with or without notice.
If however you inform us you intend to be away for an extended period of time we at our discretion sometimes offer to hold the space at a 50% discount for when you can return. Please ask if this is needed but it is not guaranteed and wont be considered for less than 4 weeks absence.
How to leave / stop
  • How to stop classes
We ask to be informed by the 21st of the month you are attending and have paid for that you no longer wish to continue. If this is done you will be entitled to ask for your deposit back (see later) You will be removed from the register for the upcoming month and your space will be offered out ready for the new month.​
  • Last lesson
You will be entitled to show for any of the classes paid for in the month regardless on when you informed us of leaving providing they have been paid for.​
  • Leaving mid month
We will not refund for any lessons not attended for leaving part way through a month.
  • What are they
When you first join you are required to pay a £10 deposit for the space. This is to help cover those of you who leave with short notice and needs us to refill the space etc. They are a one time fee until you stop and does not need renewing each year, unless you rejoin us having forfeited the deposit or been repaid it already.
  • To claim back
If you have informed us you intend to stop before the 21st of the month you are attending and have paid on time for you will entitled to request your deposit back. To do this please email from a recognised email address linked to your account and your bank details : Name, sort code and account number.​
  • Forfeiting deposit
Here are a few ways in which you will forfeit your deposit. If you have any outstanding invoices. If you do not request a return of deposit within 3 months of leaving. If you inform us of you stopping after the 21st of the month paid for and attending.
Late fees
  • How much are they
Each late payment will be subjected to a £5 late fee penalty. A payment is considered late if not paid in full.
  • Exceptions
Each school year (sept 1st - Aug 31st) you will be given 1 grace occasion of a late payment without incurring this cost after which you will be charged £5 for each future late payments. A late payment for a term is considered any payment not RECEIVED by the end of the day on the 1st of the new month for term fees. Any other invoices will be triggered after 7 days past the due date.
  • If late payment is not received before the 21st of the month.
We will refuse to teach your child from the 22nd of the month if the late payment has not been made and will offer your space out to other children for the upcoming months.
Dress Code

Acceptable Sports clothing such as:

  • Leotards (any colour/pattern but no advertising other clubs)

  • Shorts

  • Leggings

  • Jogging Bottoms

  • T-shirts (Please note belly tops and spaghetti string tops are not appropriate sports clothing)

Please aim for clothing without buttons, zips or poppers as these can get caught on equipment or cause pain to the child when rolling over them.


Long hair needs to be tied back (boys as well as girls) and no Jewellery is to be worn.  For children with medic alert bracelets please get a sweat band to wear over the bracelet.  If your child has newly pierced ears they will need to put tape over them until such a time as they are able to remove the earrings (please do this at home before lessons).

Children work in bare feet however if suffering from verruca’s we ask that they keep a sock on the infected foot as plasters tend to fall off whilst doing gymnastics.

If a child has an accident we have some spare clothing that they can borrow, should this happen please ensure you wash the clothes and send them back the following week.


We have a non photography policy due to the many different issues that can arise from catching children in photos and videos other than your own. 


We ask that all parents refrain from taking photos or videos inside the gym, if you would like a photo or video of a particular move please do ask your child’s coach as they may be able to arrange to do so without having other children in the background. 


Please check out our social media channels on facebook, instagram and youtube where from time to time videos/photos may be posted.


Welfare Officer
Should you have any welfare concerns please contact one of our trained welfare officers

Covid : Any Potential Future Shutdown Policy

We sincerely hope we will not be affected by any more shutdowns etc. However I want to inform you all of our policy if this does occur in order to maintain our club.

We need to charge everyone who planned on attending the month at least 1 week (25%) of that month in order to pay some towards the rent etc on the larger venue otherwise we simply couldn't afford it and we would have to fold.

If we can run a full week or more in the month we will credit the rest of the month we couldn't run back, however if we are unable to run at least 1 full week in the month we will still charge 25% of the monthly invoice to help towards rent or credit 75% back of that month if its already been paid.

We will offer additional sessions to people to ensure you are still getting value for your payment but this will only be available once we can resume again.








Anchor 1

Main Gym Site

Dyson Gymnastics Club

Rear Unit of 101 Conway Street

07760 669393


                                         © 2018 by Dyson Gymnastics.


Dyson Gymnastics is a limited company registered in England and Wales.
Registered number: 11269163 
Registered office: Rear Unit of 101 Conway Street Hove BN3 3LA


All images are the property of Dyson Gymnastics Club or used with permission.

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