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New sessions and ages

New sessions and ages

Along with the move to the new unit, there will be some changes to session times and ages.

After half term we will be introducing new sessions on Thursday and will be making some changes to the sessions on Friday’s as well as slightly altering the age ranges in the existing sessions so please see below for new session plans. If your child attends a session and the change means they are now the wrong age for that group do not worry they are welcome to stay in the session until such a time as it suits you to move groups.

Every week day we will now run the following sessions:

· 4pm to 5pm – Ages 4 to 8 years

· 5pm to 6pm – Ages 7 to 12 years

· 6pm to 7.30pm – Ages 8 to 18 years

If you would like to move your child from their current session to any other for example a later/earlier session or the new Thursday sessions please let me know asap as priority for the spaces will be given to gymnasts currently attending the club until the 19th October when we shall begin offering the sessions to children that do not currently attend.

Wednesday sessions at 4pm and 5pm will be strictly for beginners, if your child has previous gymnastics experience or a good natural ability we will ask you to avoid the Wednesday 4pm & 5pm sessions.

Increase in session fees

Although we are very excited by the move to a larger facility meaning we can now increase our equipment range this is unfortunately also going to mean a small increase in the fees.

1 hour sessions will be going from £4.00 per week to £4.50 per week and 1.5 hour sessions will be going from £5.50 per week to £6.00 per week.

Main Gym Site

Dyson Gymnastics Club

Rear Unit of 101 Conway Street

07760 669393


                                         © 2018 by Dyson Gymnastics.

Dyson Gymnastics is a limited company registered in England and Wales.
Registered number: 11269163 
Registered office: Rear Unit of 101 Conway Street Hove BN3 3LA


All images are the property of Dyson Gymnastics Club or used with permission.

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